From the TTA List - "Male Actor Wanted to Play Dead For One Scene In Low Budget Movie."
I won't be the only one to drag out the stereotypes for this. What the heck, here goes.
The Newly Minted Stanislavskian Actor: "What would I do if I were dead? How long have I been dead? What killed me? Are my ancestors appearing to me in death? Are bright lights moving towards me? How low is the budget?"
From the "Its All in the Text" Actor: "The text indicates I'm dead, but I'm thinking if it says I'm dead the author could actually be indicating life by the absence of it so now I'm confused about how still I need to be. I mean if I twitch wouldn't that indicate more of what the author really intended?"
From the Veiwpoints Actor: "So much seemed to be happening as I was laying there during the rehearsal. My body was telling me that its ok to just be dead, to be in this moment for me and it seemed so easy to be ok with my body for once in my life and just be still and quiet and let whatever was going to happen happen but then nothing really happened but I was ok with that."
From The Practical Aesthetics Actor: "But I'm supposed to be doing something and concentrating on another actor! How can I do that when I'm doing nothing but laying there with my eyes closed?!"
From the Actor Who Claims No Technique: "So last night I was out with my girlfriend and this group of people came by talking about where they were going on vacation and I said to my girlfriend hey we should go on vacation but she thought I meant separate va...what? oh, you want me to lie down. Sorry, I was telling him about what happened to me last...oh, sorry. I am laying down...anyway, my girlfriend thought I meant separate va...yea, I can close my eyes, ok, ok."
From "The Professional": "Just tell me where to die - but make sure my costume isn't stepped upon."
From the Actor who Studied Boal: "This is crap! Why should my character die? I think it says more politically to live in this situation rather than die. The dynamics of power suggested by this death have more to do with eurocentric influences of male dominated ideas of sexuality and influence. We need to have a counter scene where I live!"
I won't be the only one to drag out the stereotypes for this. What the heck, here goes.
The Newly Minted Stanislavskian Actor: "What would I do if I were dead? How long have I been dead? What killed me? Are my ancestors appearing to me in death? Are bright lights moving towards me? How low is the budget?"
From the "Its All in the Text" Actor: "The text indicates I'm dead, but I'm thinking if it says I'm dead the author could actually be indicating life by the absence of it so now I'm confused about how still I need to be. I mean if I twitch wouldn't that indicate more of what the author really intended?"
From the Veiwpoints Actor: "So much seemed to be happening as I was laying there during the rehearsal. My body was telling me that its ok to just be dead, to be in this moment for me and it seemed so easy to be ok with my body for once in my life and just be still and quiet and let whatever was going to happen happen but then nothing really happened but I was ok with that."
From The Practical Aesthetics Actor: "But I'm supposed to be doing something and concentrating on another actor! How can I do that when I'm doing nothing but laying there with my eyes closed?!"
From the Actor Who Claims No Technique: "So last night I was out with my girlfriend and this group of people came by talking about where they were going on vacation and I said to my girlfriend hey we should go on vacation but she thought I meant separate va...what? oh, you want me to lie down. Sorry, I was telling him about what happened to me last...oh, sorry. I am laying down...anyway, my girlfriend thought I meant separate va...yea, I can close my eyes, ok, ok."
From "The Professional": "Just tell me where to die - but make sure my costume isn't stepped upon."
From the Actor who Studied Boal: "This is crap! Why should my character die? I think it says more politically to live in this situation rather than die. The dynamics of power suggested by this death have more to do with eurocentric influences of male dominated ideas of sexuality and influence. We need to have a counter scene where I live!"
From the Just Tell Me What You Want Actor: "Just tell me what you want. You want me to lay down and just be still? Ok, I can do that. Just tell me what you want. Why put all the horror make up on me if you want me to be still and just lay there? Tell me what you want. I mean you want all this make-up or do you want me?"
And most importantly, from that actor who went to Actor's Gymnasium Sessions: "Um, I'm gonna need two and a half years to rehearse this scene in order to determine the most natural way to fake death while discovering its implications upon the world visually in precise action sustained through incorporated methodologies of bio atmospheric time with attention to spectator consequences and retreatment."