Monday, April 15, 2013

Richard the Third next post

I finished re-watching Al Pacino's Looking for Richard, because I just had to. It's such a great-fun movie for actors or people on such a quest, informative, smart, cool, etc. Then I watched a few Daniel Day-Lewis clips, some interviews, some scene work. All part of the continuing struggle for inspiration and meaning.


  1. I love Pacino, but it's all about Rylance for me. Of course, had I seen Pacino's, I might be saying something different.

  2. hey, the wrap-up to the good David Morden's lamentations on Pacino saying something to the effect that you don't have to know the words etc, comes from this film. The beauty of it, unbeknownst to David apparently, is that he is referring to the spectators and hearing Shakespeare, not actors creating the plays. He is saying to the effect of "come on, who cares if you don't understand every word, stay with it, eventually you will get it, you will hear it."
