This post must begin with two disclaimer points.
-I have not seen every show in town in recent years.
-I frequent some theatres more than others when I do go.
That said, I am going to list some of the best work I have seen and remember on stage here in Tucson. I'm going to try and mention why I believe it was good in a brief kind of way - not in a purely objective way - I am going to let my personal bias, opinion and descriptions happen in this case. Since my list won't be all inclusive of the best work as many I just didn't see, I am hoping others will join in via the comments and remind me or tell me of some other great ones.
My list, in no particular order.
Caroline Reed in The Seagull - Tucson Art Theatre. A few years back under the direction of Cindy Meier, Caroline just rocked the house as Arkadina. Her thoughts and emotions as that character turned on a dime - a whirlwind of passion! In that same production Annette Hillmann as Masha and Harris Kendall as Nina were pretty darn incredible.
Susan Arnold in The Hot L Baltimore - Nathalia Stage Ensemble. Some might have forgotten this production or this group but not me, nor have I forgotten Susan's work in it. She was bold, funny, sarcastic, tragic, and everything in between seemingly all at once and throughout.
Christopher Johnson in Lemon Sky - Live Theatre Workshop. Simple and almost real, charismatic and charming, Christopher was excellent.
AnnaMarie Irons (formerly Greenwood in the billing) in The Glass Menagerie - Tucson Art Theatre. So real and so raw that people used to wait outside the theatre afterwards or come to the dressing room to see if she was O.K. I remember one particular person practically breaking down themselves until AnnaMarie came out to show herself and speak with her. There was nothing flamboyant in the work, just this profound and slow accumulation of events toward the tragic end.
Roberta Striecher in The Dead - Rogue Theatre. Just beautiful, artistic and beautiful. The one line regarding the most beautiful tenor will forever be lodged in my memory. Roberta's delivery had everything you could ever ask for in a line - thoughts of the past coupled with the present situation, emotions and circumstance, love, joy, sadness, intention, clarity, meaning, musicality, and several other things really, the list could go on and on.
Carlise Ellis in a show I saw several years back at the Cabaret Theatre, Temple of Music and Art.I have no idea what the show was and can't remember what group put it together. But I remember specifically Carlise's work. The show had minimal, as in almost none, set and props, just actors talking to the audience and to each other. It was an intimate and imaginative portrayal by Carlise, completely graceful but so very complex.
Kenton Jones in the Cherry Orchard - Rogue Theatre. An unusual, pretty darn daring and imaginative performance as Pishchik.
I'll keep my list that brief for now though there are certainly others I can think of. Fill me in on yours!
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