Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Greatest Season Ever

On my way to grab a bite to eat, I ran into Cindy Meier coming out of Kinko's copy shop. She was there picking up season fliers for Rogue Theatre. It is always a pleasure and joy to see and speak to Cindy - I always feel great afterward. Anyway, I took one of her fliers and on my walk back to my office I was marveling at the shows they have chosen for this season. And I have come to a decision. For theatres like The Rogue and other producing organizations who work on a "Seasonal" basis (not all do btw), I am declaring this season of shows by Rogue to be the greatest ever chosen in the history of Tucson!

Here is the line-up.

Animal Farm by Andrew Periale, based on George Orwell's novella.
A Delicate Balance by Edward Albee.
Our Town by Thorton Wilder.
Krapp's Last Tape, Not I and Rockaby, by Samuel Beckett
Othello by William Shakespeare.

That's not playing around.

For second place I am choosing Arizona Theatre Company's 1979-80 season

A Flea in Her Ear
Twelfth Night
The Glass Menagerie
Father's Day
The Seagull
The Three Penny Opera

How close it that?

Invisible Theatre, Borderlands, and even Live Theatre Workshop have some impressively chosen past seasons on their resumes. Some of them you can check out on their websites. Other theatres such as aka theatre and ghosts past I am working from memory. aka often had so many shows its impossible to know when one "season" ended and another begin.

Despite all the good ones, I am declaring The Rogue Theatre 2009-2010 Season "The Greatest Season Ever chosen by a single company" in the history of all Tucson Theatre!


  1. Beowulf Alley Theatre's season is pretty impressive too.

  2. Yes it is Bill! My error and my apologies for not mentioning Beowulf there! The season is not only impressive in terms of selection but in quantity of projects and works. In addition to the Main Stage there is the late night series, lunchtime series, new play reading series, education programs and the hosting of other community gatherings by Beowulf Alley as a civic service.
    When you factor in the number and the diversity of artists involved there along with the community support and involvment it gets pretty impressive to say the least. What is happening downtown at Beowulf (and at Rogue) is nothing short of a miracle - otherwise known as hard work and dedication by a group of individuals most or all of whom volunteer their time for it.
