Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Third Unfinished Piece - Only a Beginning Few Lines

A friend of mine and fellow actor decided to combine Michael Chekhov and Viewpoints exercises in a recent workshop that he was facilitating for us. Why on God’s green earth he would commit such blasphemy I know not. But alas he did. Viewpoints in and of itself is enough to send me running home. Michael Chekhov techniques require a kind of brilliant insight and explanation - which is rare - and so also come difficult to me. But that said, I will try to be fair and patient, as I tried to be in the workshop itself, and give some thoughts to clarify my feelings for flight. Now, I am not a cynical person and I am not an exclusive freak so you can’t read this and think I am simply dismissive. I just like my acting workshops to be about acting. In a dismissive and uncaring manner I would simply say Viewpoints is a fine way of organizing polite playground type of games so everyone gets along and feels included and Michael Chekhov techniques (in the wrong hands especially) are fruity illusions and metaphors trying to take the place of actual acting work. But my friend who was leading the workshop is a young man who takes his study seriously and is in the early stages really of putting together his own understanding of all the various crap, er, I mean ideas, he has been subjected to in his colleges and training centers. He hasn’t completed connected the dots or found his own experiences on stage yet as his theme. He is getting there though. And so when you are in that state that he is in as a theatrical artist Viewpoints - Chekhov happens. And in a world where everything is cool to try and combine, its makes sense. (So that answers my earlier plea as to why on God’s green earth this happened).

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious about the Michael Chekhov stuff and I completely agree. BUT, if you really want to put the kebosh on Viewpoints, we need a whole post on it! Do the Picard thing and "make it so"!
