Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pause and Go

I started writing this blog just over a year ago. It was bad time in my life. Not bad as in terrible, can't take life, things are incredibly difficult. Just bad as in several things seemed to conspire at once to work against me. No biggie. We've all had worse times and worse situations in our life. But, I was not exactly feeling on top of the world. Far from it. And so one of the things I undertook was to write about theatre and Tucson and a few things I enjoyed. But I wanted and intended to write primarily from the perspective of spectator, not as performer. Teacher, student, hobbyist would work its way in there for sure, with new ideas, study and research always at hand. I've written a few interesting posts, had a handful of wonderful contributions from others, and touched on some perspectives I believe that tend to be rare. I don't advertise or publicise this blog other than a notice I sent originally to a few friends. From time to time I will mention it or tell someone "oh yea, I wrote about that in my blog." For those of you who found it, read it - thank you. I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy it. I do plan to continue. Profound moments in our live's often come in small ways, and we discover meaning, sensation, understanding. Much like acting, much like acting. With all the activity going on in Tucson regarding theatre - I can't keep up - try as I might or wish to. It really is amazing how much the swell has taken off. Kudos to those working it.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy! Thank you so much!!!
    My perception/relationship with theatre has always been nebulous. And it may always be. But I have always wished it were not nebulous! . . . and, perhaps, this is were I appreciate your blog the most. Hard to explain. I am glad you plan to continue. You have so much to write about!
