Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beginning to look for the Main Event of the character

The burning question now is what is the "main event" of the play for Jess. To begin to determine this, I have to put together the sequence of events that actually make up the play that the spectators will see. Off hand there are a couple of events that are candidates for the main event, the most important thing that happens, the change that occurs, the character dealing with the totality of his circumstances in some profound and meaningful way. In the meantime, I took some time to read some reviews both of the London and the New York production. Now, Jez Butterworth radically altered the character of Jess, rewriting for the New York production. Its almost a different man. The change of the script is drastic. More to that later in another post perhaps. However, whether the London or the New York script, both of which I have read and studied, I have to wonder about the reviews and what they say. Either the perception of the reviewers was unusual or the productions themselves emphasized some things that were not characteristic of the actual script. Maybe a combination of the two, I don't know. But either way the reviews almost seem like they are talking about a different set of circumstances, almost a different play. And so, I keep on working on the facts and the events and their logic.

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